Reception:Week beginning: Monday 5th October
Lesson: Communication, Language and Listening
Week beginning: Monday 5th October
This week our topic has been ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. We started off the week with making different shapes with our bodies in PE. We also have been working on number formation by counting stars and finding the correct amount to match the number. Please see files to download number formation rhymes we use in school to help us to write our numbers. We enjoyed going outside in the woods to look for natural objects to collect, count and sort in different ways recording the different amounts.
In literacy, we thought about special memories to re-tell to our friends like the old lady does in the story. We learnt about the types of things that owls like to eat such as mice and worms etc. We wrote a shopping list and menu for ‘Plop’ the main character hearing the initial sounds in the words and made an ‘Owl Café’ outside with the blocks using the sand to make owl food such as snail cake and nice mice pie! We then made a campfire using tissue paper and followed instructions to make hot chocolate, we then wrote our own instructions as a class.
In phonics we have been learning the 's' and 'a' sounds.
Well done to reception for performing Dingle Dangle Scarecrow at the harvest festival on Thursday we were all very proud!
Next Week we will be carrying on our “The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark” topic and looking at 2D shapes.