Reception 11th-15th January 2016 Star of the Week- Noah
Reception - 11th-15th January 2016
Reception children have had yet another busy week learning though the “Making Waves” Topic. In literacy they discussed the important things needed to look after a goldfish and created a leaflet to give to pet owners. They experimented with water outside and listened to the different sounds (Splosh! Splash! Plop!) and then wrote these to display in our reading area. In maths we created our own Rainbow fish and used 2D shapes to make tessellating fish scales. We have also been focusing on counting irregular arrangements of under the sea objects.
We have also explored how to make a rainbow and how to make waves, junk modelled our own under the sea world, created a Bee-Bot under the sea mat. Reception enjoyed listening to classical music, The Carnival of the Animals: The Aquarium by Camille Saint-Saëns and used their own musical instruments to create sounds of the sea.
On Wednesday we went on the Winsford Library Bus and found lots of new stories for us to read in the classroom.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week is Noah for showing excellent independence and initiative in his learning. Well Done Noah!