Little Wrens at the Nest 2023 - 2024

Mrs Chaloner

Hello and Welcome to Little Wrens

Pre-School and Reception 


 Mrs. Chaloner - Class Teacher  

Hello and a very warm welcome to Little Wren's Class. My name is Mrs Chaloner and I have been working in schools and teaching for 10 years, mostly in the Early Years. I am very passionate about Early Years Education and ensuring children begin their school journey with a love and excitement for learning. I love providing a nurturing classroom and setting up fun activities for learning through play, based around the children’s interests. I enjoy finding every opportunity for my class to learn outside (whatever the weather!) and have recently completed my Level 3 Forest School Leaders award. My favourite hobbies at home are walking, baking and visiting the zoo with my little girl. 

This Summer Half-Term

Our Topic is...Farming  


What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum 2021 is a framework for learning, development, and care for children aged birth to five years in England. It covers seven areas of learning –

  • personal, social, and emotional development
  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design
  • literacy
  • mathematics

At St. Paul's CofE Primary school, Utkinton and Cotebrook, the EYFS curriculum is implemented through a play-based approach, where children learn through exploration, experimentation, and discovery. The curriculum is tailored to the individual needs and interests of each child, and we use observations and assessments to plan and provide engaging learning experiences through adult led and continuous provision.

In the Little Wrens class, which is a mixed pre-school and reception class with ages ranging from three to five years old, children are encouraged to develop these skills through a holistic approach individualised to the child’s unique interests and abilities.

Our Early Years Ethos

At Little Wrens, we strive to ignite children’s natural curiosity and love of learning through nurturing a love of nature and the outdoors. We understand that creativity flourishes in the midst of natural beauty, and we embrace this ethos wholeheartedly. At the heart of our approach is our Christian faith, which teaches us to care for and respect the world around us.


What is a ‘Key Person’ in Little Wren’s at The Nest?

In the Early Years Foundation Stage at St. Paul's CofE Primary School, Utkinton and Cotebrook, the role of the key person is to support the development of pre-school and reception children. The key person is responsible for building a positive relationship with each individual child, providing a secure and nurturing environment where they can learn and grow at their own pace.

The key person is the primary carer for the child in the early years setting, providing comfort and support when necessary, setting up daily routines, and ensuring that all child's needs are met. They work closely with parents and carers to share information about the child's progress, interests, and needs, and to ensure continuity of care between home and school.

Having a key person in the Early Years setting is important because it helps children to settle into the environment and develop positive relationships with other children and adults. The key person acts as a point of contact for the child and their family, providing support and advice during the transition from home to school and beyond.

Furthermore, having a key person in the Early Years setting helps to support the child's learning and development. They work closely with the child to identify their interests, strengths, and areas for development, creating a tailored approach to learning that meets the individual needs of each child. The key person also provides opportunities for learning through play, exploration, and experimentation, encouraging children to develop independence, confidence and self-esteem.

In essence, building positive, trusting relationships with our children and families is at the core of our nurturing ethos in the Little Wren’s at The Nest. These positive relationships help to provide a nurturing, caring and supportive environment for children, promoting their development. Mrs.Chaloner and Mrs. Hughes, as the key persons in your classroom, play an instrumental role in ensuring that your pre-school children have a positive and rewarding experience, enabling them to reach their full potential.



Sharing your Child's Learning Journey 

In Pre-School and Reception we use the online learning journey, Tapestry. We record children's acheivments and next steps through photos and observations. Parents and Carers can access and add photos and comments via the Tapestry App.  


Little Wrens Autumn Map.JPG

Our Long Term Planning:EYFS 1.PNG

Phonics- At Little Wren's, Nursery and Pre-school follow the Super Sounds Curriculum from The Learning Lady- 

Please click the images for more details- 

phase 1 phonics


Reception Follow the Read, Write Inc Phonics Programme

Please click here for more information-


Little Wrens Gallery.png


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Vision & Values Learning to Soar, Powered by God Isiah 40:31
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St Paul's CE Primary School
Utkinton and Cotebrook
Quarry Bank, Utkinton, Tarporley,
Cheshire, CW6 0LA

We are very proud to be a part of Chester Diocesan Academies Trust (CDAT). We work closely with the trust to promote the best outcomes for our pupils, whilst still working with other schools in the local area.